Collective Worship

Our children take an active part in Christian worship on a daily basis. In religious education, they are taught Christian principles and beliefs, and those of other major world religions. In the curriculum and in religious education children are given opportunities to learn about other cultures, religious beliefs, customs and ways of life.

The spiritual dimension is an important and central part of school life. This emerges from the opportunities that children have to get to know, understand and appreciate the world around them, and to reflect upon this knowledge and their own place in school, in their family and in God’s world.

Personal, social, cultural, moral education and citizenship is seen as a continuous process which begins in the home before children start school, continues through school life as part of the partnership between home and school and develops still further in adulthood. Hearing about people, how they live, their relationships with each other and their environment is an important part of children’s education at the school, as is an understanding of how human action, now and in the past, has influenced events and conditions. Children will learn to understand something of the structure and nature of their own society, its culture, institutions and values as a basis for learning to handle the wide variety of situations which will face them in their lives.

In religious education the children learn about and from religion. Our aim is that the children will gain knowledge and understanding about the beliefs, traditions and values of the Christian religion and the other main religions of the world, which will help them to form opinions and make judgements about religious and moral issues. The caring ethos of the school and the value that we place on the development of the whole child: spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and intellectually is reflected in the religious education curriculum.

Collective worship has an important place in the life of Clapham and Patching CofE Primary School. Through our collective worship we aim to provide a caring and supportive environment for children to experience some of the essential features of Anglican prayer and worship; to be able to reflect upon the value, purpose and meaning of things; to reflect on right and wrong; to share times of joy and sadness together and to reflect upon ideas concerning beauty.

In addition to the daily acts of collective worship in school there are school services held in the parish church. These services include those for Easter, Harvest, Remembrance and Christmas services and carols, and other occasions that arise from the Christian calendar or from special school events. Parents, neighbours, relations and friends are invited to all of these services.  Please see our yearly overview for our collective worship at the bottom of this page.

Our School Prayer

Bless our school.

In that working together,

And playing together,

We learn to love one another,

And serve you.


Collective Worship Through the Year:


We had a wonderful time celebrating Harvest at St Mary the Virgin Church in Clapham Village.  Look at how generous our lovely families have been!  All the donated items have been donated to Turning Tides Homeless Charity.

We also made a Harvest loaf with Granny B!


We made some beautiful paper flowers to be displayed in St Mary's Church in Clapham to show our respect and remember. Lest We Forget.

We also drew and coloured some poppies on wood circles during a forest school visit.











Rev Helena came to school to do an Advent assembly and Granny B kindly made our Advent wreath.


Nativity and Christmas:

We had our Nativity at St John The Divine Church in Patching.  The Children performed their nativity to family and friends.  We even had real sheep! 

We also had a visit from a very special person in red, Ho Ho Ho!


We had great fun learning about the meaning of Lent, we had pancake races, what fun!


We celebrated the meaning of Easter with our families during a celebration at church.  We wore all of our Easter bonnets as we set off to the Church.  We also had an Easter Bake Off with yummy cakes.  

Year 6 Leavers Assembly: 

We are so proud of our year 6 children who took part in a special leaver's celebration at Chichester Cathedral.